Rise Of Kingdoms Christmas Event Guide

Christmas Event Guide

Rise of Kingdoms Christmas events are fantastic because you can get 35 legendary commander sculptures. One of the most important aspects of the Christmas event is that you must invest 7,000 gems in order to obtain all 35 legendary sculptures and epic skins. The good news is that if you complete all 25 levels, you will receive all of your gems back.

Frost Covenant

Frost Covenant

The Frost Covenant contains a series of small tasks that you must complete in order to receive rewards. Snowballs, which you will use to decorate a snowman, can be found as rewards. Tasks are not difficult, and you have plenty of time to complete them all.

Magic Snowman

Magic Snowman

Magic Snowman is a palace where you will use your snowball to get rewards. There are a total of 25 levels to complete if you want to obtain all 35 legendary commander sculptures. Snowballs will be used to level up your Magic Snowman.

The Magic Snowman rewards are divided into three categories.

  • The first part is that it is available to everyone.
  • Second Part: You must spend 7k gems to unlock it, and you will get back those gems.
  • Third part: It costs ten dollars but offers nothing special. 

To obtain all rewards and, most importantly, all legendary commander sculptures, you must complete all 25 levels.

The best method to Complete Magic Snowman

Farming resources is the best way to complete all 25 levels of Magic Snowman. This is the quickest and most efficient method. Destroying barbarians is only worth it if you’re in KVK. You are wasting your action points if you are not in KVK.

There are two methods for farming snowballs.

The first method: Farm LVL 1 wood or food. At the map’s end, you’ll find LVL 1 resource nodes. Your gatherers will usually return with a box containing 1–3 snowballs. Repeat the process until you have completed all 25 levels.

The second method: This method is ideal if you are fighting or in KVK where LVL 1 resource nodes are unavailable. Bring your commanders and troops with a total load of 130k. When they’re done, simply repeat the process.

Other methods of obtaining Paper Flowers for Festival Gala:

City Collection: You can get snowballs every time you collect resources from a city production building. If you collect resources in your city every 2 hours, you will have the highest chance of getting them. Just don’t let your city’s production building reach its maximum capacity.

Getting snowballs from barbarians is a great method if you are in KVK; otherwise, it is not worth it. It is preferable to save your action points for other events and complete the Christmas events with farming. Farm snowballs with barbarians only if you believe you will not be able to complete all 25 levels in time.

Race Against Time: In a race against time, you can collect a small number of snowballs that will have little impact.

Purchasing the third part of Magic Snowman rewards: We have already stated that purchasing the third part is not worth the expense, but if you require a few snowballs to complete all levels, go ahead and purchase it. You’ll get a good number of snowballs.

Christmas Letter Saga

Christmas Letter Saga

Letter Saga is a Christmas mini-event in which you will watch acts every day until Christmas. Each act will give you a small reward, and once you’ve completed all six acts, you’ll receive frame skins. All you have to do to finish this event is watch the acts.

Zenith of Power

Zenith of Power City skin

Zenith of Power is an event that will include eight kingdoms. What I mean is that the leaderboard will be shared by six kingdoms. This event is basically pay-to-win. The only chance to win this event for free-to-play players is if you are in dead kingdoms or if you saved a lot of speedups.

Not only that, this event will include pay-to-win players from your kingdom but also play-to-win players from the other 7 kingdoms. Rewards in Zenith of Power are great, especially the city skin that will be given to you.

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