ECTN Annual Meeting and General Assembly 2023
Annual Meeting, 13-15 April 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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The theme of the ECTN Annual Meeting is the Quality of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Chemistry: Best Practices, Opportunities and Trends.

Education, learning and skills are perceived as both enablers and drivers of inclusive and sustainable development. In view of the rapidly changing world, education has to take advantage of the opportunities made possible by globalization, technological advancements and information revolution.

The ECTN Annual Meeting will be a forum of discussions regarding the teaching and learning in higher education chemistry, the professional development programmes for lecturers in STEM and trends that will shape the future of the higher education.

Invited Speakers

The following persons have been confirmed as speakers during the ECTN General Assembly 2023 meeting in Amsterdam.

  • Prof. Javier García-Martínez (IUPAC President, University of Alicante, Spain)
  • Prof. Tim McIntyre-Bhatty (Bournemouth University, United Kingdom)
  • Dr. Mariska Min-Leliveld (Teaching and Learning Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • Prof. Iwona Maciejowska (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
  • Prof. Floris Rutjes (President of EUChemS, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
  • Prof. Peter Mahaffy (King’s Centre for Visualisation of Science, The King’s University, Canada)
  • Dr. Liva Dzene (Secretary of the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN), Université de Haute-Alsace, France)


The ECTN General Assembly 2023 meeting will be held at Amsterdam Science Park and hosted by the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Science Park has one of the largest concentrations of academic education and research facilities in Europe. It is a major hub for research, innovation and entrepreneurship thanks to its world-class research institutes, universities, and some 170 companies. Amsterdam Science Park offers unique opportunities for data technology, fundamental and applied research, the use of advanced equipment, and companies with a focus on sustainability and digital innovation.

Amsterdam Science Park is jointly developed by the City of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and the University of Amsterdam.

Local organising committee

The ECTN General Assembly is organised by a number of organisations based in The Netherlands, that are rooted in ECTN activities.
