League betting is a new fun system in Rise of Kingdoms where you can bet coins on a team that you think will win the match. Coins can be obtained through quests and betting. Coins can be spent in the shop.
League Bets
League Bets is a place where you can spend your coins on an alliance’s battle in the Ark of Osiris, and if you lose a bet, you will receive 50% of the coins back.
My advice is that you bet on the alliance that has fewer bets on them. With this method, you will have a chance to earn some big coins, and you will be able to buy the whole League Bets Shop.
Betting on the alliance that has a lot of bets on them is not so good. You will receive a small number of coins, and it is not worth it.
You can’t know for sure which alliance will win, so it is better to risk winning a lot of coins.
League Bets Shop: The first things that you want to buy are legendary commander sculptures and action points. After that, you can go with blueprints.
Eye For Talent
This is where you will use the Marks of the Champion on the alliance that you think will win the league. If the alliance that you picked didn’t win first place, then all Marks of the Champion will be refunded. Do not be scared to use them. You will get them back.
Eye for Talent Shop: First buy legendary commander sculptures, then spend all on materials for gear.
Allure Of Gold
The allure of Gold is a place where you can earn coins and Marks of the Champion by completing quests. Quests are not hard to do.
We have 2 types of quests:
- Daily quests: each day at 0000 UTC, quests will be restarted.
- Weekly Quests: Restarts every Monday
Marks of the Champion can also be obtained with a bundle called the Mark of the Champion.